Web  JavaScript (AngularJS, jQuery, TypeScript, D3.js) / HTML5 / CSS3 / Sketch (UX Design)
Data  SQL / MongoDB / R / Hadoop / Machine Learning / Statistics
Mobile  Some experience with Android dev
General  Java / Python / C++
B.S., University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, 2014
Major  Computer Science 
Minor  Applied Mathematics 
Courses Taken

Current Work

Developing complex yet performant AngularJS-based web application UI providing rich user interaction with a wealth of APM (App Performance Monitoring) data. Experienced in all areas of the software product lifecycle: Designing, prototyping, developing, maintaining, and automating end-to-end tests for products of shippable quality.

Other Projects

Social media, such as Facebook and Twitter, was a significant focus of the “Big Data” movement. Utilizing Hadoop and AWS, I was able to assess the “Tweet Sentiment” concerning the events around the dismissal and subsequent re-hiring of U.Va. President Sullivan in the summer of 2012. My data source was approximately 52,000 tweets collected by the U.Va. Library. The result of my analysis was presented in both an infograph and a web explorer showing the interplay of twitter users surrounding Larry Sabato, an influencer identified during the event. 

For an internship in Summer 2013 at, I played an integral part of the launch of their flagship product, Fluencia, an educational web app for Spanish learners. I designed and developed several features for the app around the company's existing large base of audio and video sources.The experience gave me great exposure to the latest browser technologies such as WebRTC. Later in the summer, I crafted the sleek marketing pages (for both desktop and mobile devices) with a goal to attract as many subscribers to Fluencia as possible. To make the landing experience smooth for our potential users, I worked closely with our design team to perfect every pixel on the interfaces, and also built a JavaScript library to track site visitor data and analyzed them using third-party services.

Product of my senior-year Web and Mobile Dev class, Onion's Art Store is an Android application that brings together independent artists and art enthusiasts in a convenient way. The application lets you post original artwork for sale and browse through available items in store.   - source code is an award-winning Internet start-up, an eBay for off-campus college property rentals. Here is our AngelList profile. I worked as a front-end engineer on remodeling the brand new site after its beta test. I also pitched the business plan at University of Virginia Darden Business School.  
Developed by a team of four, the Guide is a handy Android mobile application that navigates you around a train of user-specified destinations based on Google Maps technology. The app’s entertaining nature gives you the fun of recording and timing your trip, or thrills you by telling if you are getting “happier” or “sadder” according to remaining distance. - source code
Despite its very primitive look, Facebooklet is a functional social networking site that supports all basic social networking functionalities:
* account management
* profile viewing and finding
* friend list management
* status changing and wall posting
* wall conversation
* online duo-user game
 - source code

Research Projects

The Open Science Framework - thesis cover
Science should be transparent, to the benefit of society. However, barriers for scientists to practice open science exist due to a range of cultural and technological reasons. This thesis seeks to understand the incentive structure for open science from a socio-cultural perspective, and attempts at a software solution to facilitate its implementation. The STS research paper, Incentive structure for Open Science in Web 2.0, elucidates that current scientific reward system needs to be changed to facilitate open science. To create incentives for researchers to open up their research materials for the broader community, organizations need to provide researchers with intrinsic rewards, proper credit allocation, and tangible career benefits. In the technical portion of the project, Designing Data Visualizations for Open Science, I created an interactive research exploration and organizing tool for the Open Science Framework. We contribute to this collective effort towards open science by making the creation of incentives as an explicit design goal for open science web applications.
 - source code

Automatic detection of epileptiform events in EEG recording - poster
An electroencephalogram (EEG) is the most important tool in the diagnosis of seizure disorders. Between seizures, epileptiform neural activities in EEG recordings occur in the forms of spikes or spike-and-slow wave complexes. Seeking for an automated EEG interpretation algorithm that is well-accepted by clinicians has been a research goal stretched for decades. As a participant in the REU 2012 program at Clemson University School of Computing, I continued on this endeavor to research and develop optimal machine-learning algorithms capable of automatically detecting epileptiform activities in EEG recordings and highlighting these findings in realtime on the eegNet (standardized EEG database developed by Clemson University) web interface. - source code

Statistical quality control of point cloud data - slides
While the leading edge 3D laser scanners provide accurate depiction of product geometries and allow for potentially more efficient detection of production faults, currently they are not used for quality monitoring due to lack of such frameworks. In this project I worked on a variety of statistical methods and algorithms that analyze the cloud data points generated from 3D scanners and detect production system failures.

Advancement in healthcare human factors - poster
In this project at the Center for Human-Computer Interaction at Virginia Tech, I worked as a “coder” in a small team that applied innovative narrative analysis techniques on 78,400 lines of interview scripts with emergency room nurses, to identify faults of hospital system and user needs from healthcare practitioners.